The speedrun community around the new game Back 4 Blood is in an uproar and the reason for that is the game’s own developers. Over weeks and now months, they have made previous times from speedruns impossible with partly minor and some more far-reaching changes to the gameplay. The English-speaking Youtuber „Maxylobes“ has analyzed the whole thing and broken it down into just under half an hour.
After less than two months, the most die-hard players of the Back 4 Blood title are now the ones asking the most critical questions. From the beginning, the developers have boasted about being the legacy of Left 4 Dead, while from patch to patch it slowly moves away from what it could have been.
The 1.2 patch
The biggest criticism from the community is the speed curve, which was added in this update. Before this update, when you started running you immediately started at maximum speed, while now it has a continuous acceleration to maximum. This has consequences not only for the first run, but for every obstacle that stops you. It is enough to turn too fast to lose speed.
The December Update
Most recently, the December update reached us, in which, among other things, just about every mobility card was weakened. It was also taken away the possibility to jump while sprinting without losing stamina. Most recently, weapon upgrades that optimized movement speed were also weakened, making it nearly impossible to beat the former top times.