VALORANT star TenZ was already talking big back in July 2021 when it came to the peripherals of Finalmouse. But if you don't know anything about the company Finalmouse, here is a short summary: Finalmouse is known for its high-end gaming mice and had already had some...
Allgemeine Beiträge, welche keinen oder nicht ausschließlich einen direkten Bezug zu anderen Interessenbereichen haben.
Bungie wird von Sony aufgekauft
In der Vergangenheit gab es schon vermutlich den größten Deal in der Geschichte des Gamings, als Activision Blizzard von Microsoft für 70 Milliarden Dollar aufgekauft worden ist. Sony daraufhin entschloss sich Bungie für 3,7 Millarden Dollar aufzukaufen und man fragt...
Bungie is bought out by Sony
In the past, there was already probably the biggest deal in the history of gaming, when Activision Blizzard was bought by Microsoft for $70 billion. Sony then decided to buy out Bungie for $3.7 billion and one wonders what impact this deal will have on the gaming...
Among Us will soon excite the VR scene as well
Who would have thought it, after a few imitations in VRChat the developer studio Innersloth decided to release their hit game for virtual reality. In-game screenshot - © Innersloth With Among Us, Innersloth was able to inspire around 500+ million players. Since 2018,...
Among Us wird auch bald die VR-Szene begeistern
Wer hätte es gedacht, nach einigen Nachahmungen in VRChat hat sich das Entwicklerstudio Innersloth dafür entschieden ihr Hit-Game für die Virtuelle Realität rauszubringen. Ingame Screenshot - © Innersloth Mit Among Us konnte Innersloth rund über 500+ Millionen Spieler...
It Takes Two die Therapie
Ein Spiel, zwei Freunde und unmengen an Spaß! Gideon und Fardin haben es endlich geschafft und die Paar Therapie ist beendet, dass heißt hier kommt nun mein Fazit. Ersteinmal zum Spiel selber dessen Entwicklerstudio Hazelight Studio ist welche in der Vergangenheit...
It Takes Two the Therapy
One game, two friends and tons of fun! Gideon and Fardin have finally made it and the couple therapy is finished, that means here comes my conclusion. First of all, the game itself is developed by Hazelight Studio, which has released some good games in the past, such...
GTA: Is the announcement of the sixth part imminent?
If gaming journalist Chris Klippel is to be believed, the time will soon come. While the development of GTA 6 has long been confirmed, Rockstar Games is keeping a very low profile about the launch of the new spin-off. But now founder of "Rockstarmag" spoke out on...
GTA: Steht die Ankündigung des sechsten Teils kurz bevor?
Wenn man dem Gaming-Journalisten Chris Klippel glauben schenken mag, ist es bald soweit. Während die Entwicklung von GTA 6 bereits lange bestätigt ist, hält sich Rockstar Games sehr bedeckt zum Start des neuen Ablegers. Doch nun meldete sich Gründer des "Rockstarmag"...
Fall Guys is released as Free-to-Play on all platforms!
Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout was released in 2020 and immediately became a hit. The success was so unexpected that Epic Games contacted the developer studio Mediatonic to buy it out. Since then, it has followed a similar model to Fortnite in that there are regular...