Currently we run 3 servers on which we have divided our web, mail, game and other backend servers. In addition, time and money are spent on the holistic development of the platform. For hosting we spend about 100 Euro per month, which we try to finance through donations.

If you want to support the project, you can apply as a helper, send us a donation or boost our Discord server.

You also support us as an active user of our community and can help us by inviting friends.

  • Donation goal July (45 € / 200 €) 22.5% 22.5%
  • Donation goal June (120 € / 200 €) 60% 60%
  • Donation target May (108 € / 100 €) 108% 108%
  • Donation goal April (70 € / 100 €) 70% 70%

Become a helper

You like VAY and want to become part of the team?

Then contact the @Team on Discord or send us a mail to and we will see how your talents fit to us!


You don’t have time personally but still want to support?

Contact the @Team on Discord for more information. We are already working on an online process.


Also no money over, but nitro?

Then you can also support us by boosting our server! By doing so, you will allow us to optimize the experience for you even further!

Premium for supporters

If you support the project in one of the mentioned ways, you will get the premium status on the Discord server, which gives you access to private voice channels. Not to mention the good feeling of supporting a heart and soul project. We are also working on other benefits for VAY supporters. Join our Discord to not miss any news!


Many thanks to our previous supporters:

GamingOver, OnePieceUltraFan, liv3Morty, RektByUstin, Bruno & DiePatrone.