Ergonomics: Three simple exercises for your back

Regular gymnastics and strengthening exercises for the back can prevent tension and reduce pain. The following exercises can be performed at home and are suitable for both beginners and advanced users.

1. back training with the Thera-Band To loosen tense muscles, a warm-up training is advisable. A Thera-Band can be used to perform specific exercises that help strengthen the back. To do this, tie the band around the ankles and then bend the upper body forward until a stretching pain is felt in the back. Then extend the arm backwards and bend it back towards the head.

2. pilates for back protection pilates is an effective method to tone the body as a whole and at the same time relieve symptoms of tension in the back. Side effects of Pilates include better coordination and increased strength and endurance. A Pilates session should be at least 20 minutes long and consists of different exercises of varying difficulty – depending on the fitness level of the participant.

3) Strengthening yoga exercise for firmer back closure In yoga there are many asanas (postures) that can help strengthen the body as a whole – but these asanas are especially good for the lower back of the body including the lumbar region and gluteal muscles). This includes, for example, the tree (Vrikshasana), in which you shift your weight onto one foot.

Ein Beitrag von Saajid Kanota


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