This week we start with a new format, which we hope to publish weekly in the future. In this post you will find the best memes of the past week from our Discord server from the #memes interest section! With that, I present to you the Memes of the Week for calendar week 47 ( 11/22 – 11/28/2021)
Some of the memes are quite loud and for the protection of our dear headphone users, you can find a hint below the meme before you start the video.
(SOUND.) Bad Apple has already a few years on the hump but „bad_sense_of_balance.mp4“ from the user meta lets the song germinate again.
Who doesn’t know Bob Ross? How do you think an anti-Bob Ross would act? Fortunately, with the finding of Saajid, we no longer have to ask ourselves this question, but have a clear answer.(LOUD) F Motte, just F. Thanks Dex for sending in „pepehandsMoth.mp4“.(SOUND.) The basic tone is basically friendly. No one could have known. *ignores subtitles* Thanks hugo for sending!
A classic of meme high culture. Thanks to Fardin for the submission!
Visit our Discord server and #memes interest area for more edgy memes!