Twitch: Boosting feature earns sharp criticism

For many, the abundance of naked skin on Twitch has been a thorn in the side for some time. But Twitch itself takes it to the extreme for a short time, only to quickly get its act together.

The spectacle began on March 30 when streamer „thenoosh22“ or Danielle shared a screenshot on Twitter showing her Twitch home page. Among the suggested channels there is one that obviously shows naked breasts in a sexualized way. The bizarre thing: Someone paid to have the said channel widely displayed and a sufficient content check did not take place beforehand.

In the thread below, many people who found the same or similar streams on their homepages shared their displeasure. Other streamers like „xQc“ also gave their opinion. So, according to him, it is „one of the worst ideas I have ever seen.“

Twitch has since removed the feature and also blocked numerous channels that were broadcasting corresponding content. Twitch itself speaks of security concerns, which is why they have temporarily disabled the feature.

Ein Beitrag von Saajid Kanota


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