Valorant: The new Agent Chamber launches today!

The time has come and the patch 3.10 enters the surface of Valorant! Here is a brief summary about all the changes in today’s patch.


A new agent named Chamber joined Valorant, here is a summary of his abilities and design.

(E) Ability: Rendezvous [Reset nach 32Sec]

This ability allows teleporting between 2 targets marked with the E.

A triangle anchor appears at the marked points, this one ejects a circular area from which you can teleport to the second anchor. The cooldown for the teleport is 15sec and the recall of the anchor is 32sec.

(Q) Ability: Headhunter [100Credits pro Schuss Max.8]

Its Q ability is equivalent to a revolver. Chamber draws a revolver with a maximum of 8 rounds. As a twist, this revolver has the possibility to target with right click.

(C) Ability: Trademark [150Credits Max.2]

This small robot is like a trap because it triggers a slow-radius in quite a large radius, when noticed by an enemy player. All players in this field slow down and are easy targets for Chamber.

(X) Ability: Tour de Force [7 Charges Ultimate]

Once you reach the 7 points. you can use your Ultimate from Chamber. This is like an operator only it makes the enemy One Shot on each body part and only has 5 shots. The duration between a shot can be compared to that of a Marshall.

That as far as the new agent Chamber and his abilities. I have included a few pictures of its design here.

Competitive Update

The matchmaking has also changed a lot and you can now enter a Ranked Match with any rank, but the MMR is affected. Listed here everything that is possible:

Highest rank Platinum 1 – Lowest Silver 1 = 50% less points

Highest rank Platinum 1 – Lowest Bronze 1 = 75% less points

Highest rank Diamond 1 – Lowest Bronze 1 = 90% less points

90% is the maximum number of points you get less, that doesn’t change even if for example a Radiant plays with Diamond 3.

System update

Also a slightly smaller update is that the bug of the FPS limit has been changed. Players had a higher FPS rate than 128 without FPS CAP and limited the FPS to 128. As a result, they didn’t even reach those 128 FPS anymore and the FPS dropped down to 80.

This has finally been fixed with patch 3.10 thanks to a Reddit user.


– Chamber wallpaper

– Official Valorant contribution to Chamber

– Valorant 3.10 Patch Notes

Ein Beitrag von Gideon


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